1. Name in full (SURNAME IN CAPITAL)- 영문 성명
2. Surname at birth, if different 출생시 성이 다른경우 쓰세요
Address -a) Permanent
b) Present 주소, 지금사는곳 주소
4. Date of Birth - 생년월일
5. Place of birth (Country and Town or District) 태어난 지역
6. Present Nationality 국적
Nationality at birth 출생국가
Name of Father 아버지 이름
Nationality of father at his birth 아버지 출생국가
Whether holder of a passport from her/his Place of issue of passport:
Government 여권 발급장소
Whether previously in Pakistan, and if so,
places of residence, with dates 이전에 파키스탄 방문한적 있을때, 날짜까지
a) Whether permission to visit Pakistan extend
stay in Pakistan has been refused and if so, when?
b) Whether application for grant of visa has been submitted
to any other Pakistan visa issuing authority- 비자 신청 거절당한적 있나요
13. Profession or Occupation- (Give details)
a) Number and date of a passportb)
Valid untilTwo(2)
Passport Size
Colour Photo
2 X2직업
14.Period for which visa is required.
Note:-Extension of transit visas which are
valid for a fortnight will not generally
be granted
15.Objects of journey (Full particulars must be given.)
Note:-Failure to state fully and in detail the reasons
for journey will result in delay or refusal of a
visa General expressions such as visit, Business.
etc, are not sufficient.
If on behalf of a firm, name and nationality of the firm should also be stated.
여행목적, 상세히쓰세요
16.Province, Town and, destination in Pakistan. 목적지
17. Port of landing in Pakistan.. 어디에서 착륙하는지
18.Name and address of persons who will furnish information as to applicant and also furnish Financial
guarantees for maintenance and repatriation if applied toIn
country of the application
In Pakistan (if none known, say none)
Dated –
현재 사는곳의 비상연락처, 파키스탄에서 비상연락처